Rolling slideshow will be back soon, meanwhile enjoy these Royalty Free historical fiction choices!

Deborah-Swift's Royalty Free 1 album on Photobucket

For Authors

To promote your book here:

 Email me
1. a book cover jpeg
2. the web address of a place you can buy it - local bookshop, Amazon etc
3. The story of the story.
Send a description of what inspired you to write the book. No blurb, no plot synopsis, no author history, just what prompted you to write this particular story in this particular period. Tell your readers what excited you about your story or characters, and how you went about bringing it to life. Maximum of 1000 words, can be a lot less, whatever suits.
4. Add a link - website, blog or both.

(Sorry, no other pictures, just the cover.)

send to :
That's it - simple. Posts will change whenever I get them, and be posted in the order in which I receive them and as my schedule allows.

BUT - don't forget to follow and please let others know about the site. Tweet, Facebook, Blog. Tell writers and readers, leave comments for other writers.We can promote ourselves and other writers who have worked as hard as we have by giving inside information here that they won't get at other sites.

Debut authors only, tell me the publication date and you will have priority on that date.

Please read before sending:
Your book must be available as a paper book (not only an e-book) and be published by a recognised publishing house. Small independent presses are welcome. For the purposes of this blog "historical" means anything set before 1950.
This is not because I don't support indie authors - I do, but I have a commitment to real paper books which are my own preferred way of reading.

Oh, and if your book has major characters who are Kings, Queens, Dukes, Duchesses or any other type of Royalty (e.g Cleopatra) you cannot promote it here. Sorry! So for example Philippa Gregory's "Virgin Earth" would qualify but not "The Queen's Fool."  If in doubt as to whether you book qualifies, why not email me to ask!

(By the way, the rolling slideshow features only 12 books so the new ones come around quicker. I feature the others in rotation with the newer ones, so if yours has gone it will be back sometime soon!)
Apologies at the moment - photobucket has reconfigured and the slideshow feature is not back yet - hence the old slideshow keeps running. Will update it as soon as I'm able to.

I look forward to hearing about your books.